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Greek MP says eating pork, drinking alcohol near refugee camps should be a crime as it offends Muslims

Featured Greek MP says eating pork, drinking alcohol near refugee camps should be a crime as it offends Muslims

A Greek MP from leftist SYRIZA party claimed people roasting pork and drinking alcohol near refugee camps in Greece should face punishment for offending the religious sensitivities of the Muslim majority refugees and immigrants hosted in the centres.

Speaking at a special parliamentary committee during the debate on amendments of the Greek penal code, MP Christos Giannoulis characterised having a BBQ, roasting pork and drinking alcohol next to refugee-hosting facilities as barbaric and sadistic, while calling for penalties.

The SYRIZA MP argued that there were allegations of similar incidents which offended the religious sentiment of Muslims next to Thessaloniki’s host facilities, while he called for the imposition of penalties for such actions speaking to the Greek Justice Minister Kostas Tsiaras who was present.

Needless to say, his suggestions were met with a whirlpool of funny reactions by Greeks online. Twitter was lit with many funny posts and some outraged users.

“I agree with comrade Giannoulis. Let’s immediately arrest anyone who celebrates on Tsiknopempti [Greek traditional meat-eating day].”, one Twitter user wrote.

Another said: “Barbarism, Mr. Giannoulis is for 7-year-old being raped by the persecuted Afghans next to the hosting facility of all those uncivilised people who are living off Europe’s benefits and are robbing us! ”

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