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SYRIZA asks for debate with PM

SYRIZA has tendered a proposal for two debates between prime minister Antonis Samaras and main opposition leader Alexis Tsipras.


SYRIZA has tendered a proposal for two debates between prime minister Antonis Samaras and main opposition leader Alexis Tsipras. The request was tabled at a meeting between the government spokesman Simos Kedikoglou and the SYRIZA press representative Panos Skourletis.

SYRIZA has requested one debate on the economy, the mid term plan, and the memorandum, and another on national and European issues. “We are awaiting for the official response from Mr Samaras,” noted the announcement from SYRIZA.

The announcement also noted that during the meeting between SYRIZA spokesman Panos Skourletis and government spokesman Simos Kedikoglou, that took place this morning, the latter said he was unauthorized to answer but pledged to relay the request. The announcement adds that the same answer was given by New Democracy press secretary Ms Asimakopoulou.

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