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INSETE report cites growing trend among travellers seeing Greece as top travel destination

Featured INSETE report cites growing trend among travellers seeing Greece as top travel destination

A new report by INSETE, Greece’s research and policy institute for tourism, indicates that Greece is emerging as a top destination for European travelers this year.

The study surveyed travel intentions among Europeans, particularly from Germany, the UK, France, and Spain, focusing on upcoming travel plans, budgeting, trip duration, and preferences.

Early vacation planning is in full swing, with approximately 70 percent of Germans, Britons, and Spaniards, and 60 percent of French travelers already mapping out their trips for the next year. Greece stands out as a preferred destination, ranking 5th among travelers from Germany, France, and the UK, and 7th for Spanish tourists, trailing closely behind larger or more accessible countries.

The report highlights a trend towards shorter trips, with the majority of travelers from all four countries favoring journeys under three hours. Despite its relative distance, Greece’s strong appeal underscores its successful branding as a desirable travel spot.

In terms of spending, a significant portion of travelers from these countries intend to maintain or increase their travel budgets, with 31 percent of Germans, 29 percent of French, 29 percent of Britons, and 36 percent of Spaniards planning to spend more than usual.

Leisure and relaxation top the list of travel motivations, with over half of the respondents from each country seeking enjoyment. Cultural experiences and favorable weather also play a crucial role in destination choice, especially for Britons and Germans.

When it comes to holiday types, beach and coastal vacations are favored, followed by city breaks and nature excursions. Over half of German travelers prefer beach destinations, while city breaks are popular among all surveyed groups.

This study by INSETE underscores the robust interest in Greece as a travel destination, reflecting the country’s enduring allure and the positive outlook for its tourism sector.