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Manhattan Holds "Women & Diaconal Ministry" Conference

Manhattan's St. Phoebe Center is hosting the "Women & Diaconal Ministry:
 Past, Present & Future" conference this Saturday, December 6th.

It is being held between 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Union Theological Seminary located at 3041 Broadway and 121st Street. The conference focuses on three pillars; the past, the present and the future.

The past pillar centers on the comprehension of female diaconates in the early and medieval Church. It offers discussions and presentations that delve into the ministry and restoration attempts in modern times, through the findings of Evangelos Theodorou, the Greek and Russian Churches and the Rhodes Consultation decisions.

The present pillar informs participants on the "diaconal" efforts that females currently conduct through their posts as spiritual directors, chaplains, ministers of the Word, and parish and outreach workers.

The future pillar examines why an ordained ministry is required, how a deaconess may serve in present times and what short-term and long-term efforts could occur for restoration and rejuvenation of the office and di-aconate, as a whole for both males and females.

The "Women & Diaconal Ministry: Past, Present & Future" conference will offer presentations, breakout sessions, a panel discussion, a question and answer period following each seminar, and networking connections. Additional information about this Saturday's conference can be accessed at: http://orthodoxdeaconess.org/women-diaconal-ministry-conference/.

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