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December 2013

Kickback scandal reaches Germany

Antonis Kantas' revelations to prosecutors have caused reverberations in Greece, but are now rippling across borders involving German companies in the network of “black” funds for kickbacks.

  • Published in Greece

The resurgence of Greek terrorism

Domestic terrorism in Greece is not a new phenomenon. However, conditions in the country in a sixth year of recession are explosive and a recent re-emergence of politically motivated terrorism is adding more fuel to political and civic strife.

More impediments for Greek EU presidency

The terrorist attack against the German ambassador's residence and ongoing revelations of graft are undermining Greek efforts for a succesful EU presidency, but Herr Schauble steps in for a rescue.

  • Published in Greece

Probation and 3000 euro fine for Liapis

The court decided on a penalty of 4 years in prison commuted to probation and 3 thousand euros in cash for former Minister, Michalis Liapis who was caught driving his car with forged license plates.

  • Published in Greece

Kantas deposition leads to arrest of weapons dealer

The deposition of jailed former deputy director for procurements Antonis Kantas precipitated a series of judicial actions and inquiries, the first of which was the arrest of a weapons firm representative.

  • Published in Greece

Οι ομογενείς στήριξαν τον 4χρονο Λουκά

Την ευγνωμοσύνη της σε ολόκληρη την ομογένεια εξέφρασε η μητέρα του 4χρονου Λουκά Στρούζα, ο οποίος πάσχει από μια πολύ σοβαρή ασθένεια και υπεβλήθη σε θεραπεία στο Τέξας.

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