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Wednesday debate on second prior action package

Debate on the fast-track legislation for prior actions demanded by Greece's creditors - including changes to the code for civil procedure and the transposition of the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD) into Greek law - was to begin on Wednesday morning, as announced, but the plenum has yet to convene by mid afternoon.

Tension over Greek flag in FYROM stadium

The match smelled of gunpowder from the very beginning ... The game between APOEL with Vardar in the qualification round of the Champions League was bound to be explosive due to national implications that exist between this pair.

Warren Buffett buys island in the Saronic Gulf!

American tycoon Warren Buffett and Italian millionaire Alessandro Proto bought the island of St. Thomas in the Bay Aegina, according to a company press release Proto Group Ltd, which operates in the field of real estate.

Cyprus Tourism Organization Confirms Arrival Rise

The Cyprus Tourism Organization has confirmed that prices have decreased at various seaside eatery and beverage spots, while there has been a decrease in the amount of businesses that overcharge on goods concerning their listed cost.

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