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Benaki Museum also targeted by oil-spray vandals

Yet another 'oil spray' attack on an Athens museum was reported on Monday, with signs of vandalism using a transparent, greasy substance found at the Benaki Museum following the first incident at the Byzantine and Christian Museum the previous month.

Kissinger approved Turkish tactics in 1974 Cyprus invasion

Henry Kissinger, U.S. Secretary of State at the time of Turkey’s 1974 invasion of Cyprus told then U.S. President Gerald Ford that Turkey was entitled to seize part of the island, according to the National Herald, a U.S. newspaper focusing on Greek affairs.

Death of Australian model in Kefalonia, still unresolved

The mother and sister of Australian model Sinead McNamara, who was found hanging on board a luxury yacht of Mexican billionaire Alberto Bailleres in Kefalonia, are in Greece awaiting the results of the autopsy before taking the body back to Australia.