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Lender techical team in Athens

The technical team of Greece’s lenders is in town. However, it still remains unclear when the representative’s of Greece’s lenders will arrive to Athens.

According to sources, the IMF has demanded further reforms regarding the new social security plan.

The International Monetary Fund asks for stricter measures setting it also as a prerequisite for its participation in the third bailout program.

While Labour Minister Giorgos Katrougalos claims that he has persuaded his European counterparts for the correctness of the social security bill proposed by the Greek government, the IMF seems to refuse accepting the 1.5% increase in contributions suggesting a 1% increase.
According to sources, the Institutions believe that the contributions hike is an anti-growth measure which will create more problems than those it aims to solve.
According to information, the IMF also believes that the reform will not be successful unless the government proceeds to main pension cuts.