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Tsipras' agenda at the Davos World Economic Forum

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has a full agenda during his visit at Davos for the World Economic Forum on Wednesday and Thursday.

The economic crisis, foreign policy, cooperation with other countries and the situation in the wider area are expected to dominate Tsipras' contacts on the sidelines of the forum.
Tsipras will meet with German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel and EU Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs Pierre Moscovici to discuss economic issues. He will also meet US Vice President Joe Biden to discuss bilateral relations, the situation in Syria and the Balkans, the Cyprus issue as well as economic issues.
On Thursday, he will participate in a panel with German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble to talk on the Greek programme. He will also have meetings with US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew and IMF chief Christine Lagarde in order to clear out the role of the Fund in the Greek program and discuss upon the Greek debt.