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KKE Turns 95

The Communist Party of Greece (KKE)  celebrated its 95th anniversary with a gala event organised in the Peace and Frienship Stadium in Paleo Faliro.

"The KKE has never repudiated its role as a party of the working class, the class whose historic mission it is to lead a revolutionary remaking of society, the building of a socialist-communist society " General Secretary Dimitris Koutsoumbas stressed .

Mr Koutsoumbas  underlined that the KKE has always been at the forefront of every struggle fought by the Greek people and said his party addressed its message to all, calling on them to look back with hindsight and reassess the KKE's warnings concerning the European Union and NATO.

"All the treaties of the EU had and still have but one goal - to lower payment for labour as much as possible, to create workers without rights, to make business monopolies stronger," he said, adding that the other political parties had systematically sought to conceal this truth with false promises.
He also warned of the danger that Greece will become embroiled in new imperialist wars and stressed that "KKE and the people must fight for their own power, in which the KKE will take over its responsibilities."