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Europe is at a difficult turning point, Tsipras says

Europe is at a difficult turning point and we all need to realize that the great threat is the rise of the extreme right and Europe cannot move ahead based only on punishing policies, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said on Monday welcoming German Foreign Minister Frank Walter Steinmeier at the Maximos Mansion.

Tsipras underlined that apart ftom the financial crisis, Greece is also facing a refugee crisis and referred to the sacrifices of the Greek people. He also stressed the importance of finding a sustainable solution to the Cyprus issue after 42 years.
Referring to the referendum result in Italy, the German Foreign Minister said that it is a government crisis and not a state crisis "It is not a positive message in a difficult period for the EU. In this context I am grateful to be with a partner that shares the same ideas with us, a friend of Europe," he noted.
Steinmeier also said that he is aware of the difficulties that Greece is facing as a result of the economic crisis and the refugee issue.