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Draft law on Greece-Egypt cooperation in tourism voted in parliament

The plenary of the Greek parliament voted with a large majority the Tourism ministry's draft law on the cooperation between Greece and Egypt on the tourism sector.

The memorandum of understanding was voted on February 21, 2016 in Cairo.
The MoU sets the framework for specific actions aiming at increasing tourism in Greece and Egypt and defines the fields of the bilateral tourism cooperation.
Kountoura stressed that Egypt is one of the strategic markets of priority.
She also noted that Greece has the opportunity to become the first destination of Egyptian tourists 365 days a year, with significant benefits to the strengthening of tourist flows and revenue, as the number of high income Egyptians travelling abroad each year is estimated at about 5 million. 
Kountoura also stressed that the strengthening of bilateral tourism relations in the region is a strategic choice, and especially for the promotion of stability and cooperation in the region of Eastern Mediterranean while underlining its role as a powerful attraction pole of world tourism.