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School competition invites students to build their own seismograph

The Athens Observatory Geodynamic Institute and the Athens-based school Ellinogermaniki Agogi on Wednesday invited schools to enter for the competition "Build Your Own Seismograph," open to students in lower and upper high schools in Greece.

Teams of students, in collaboration with their teachers, are asked to design and build their own seismographs and to describe the process in a presentation using photographs and other audiovisual aids.
The competition officially opened on March 1 and those interested in taking part are asked to apply to the website http://bit.ly/2jeirPh or send an e-mail to the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The competition forms a part of the European programme Erasmus+ "Schools Study Earthquakes" and the European project "Ark of Inquiry". The teams must submit their projects by April 15, for evaluation by a committee of scientists and teachers that will include Greek seismologists Dr. Gerasimos Chouliaras and Dr. George Drakatos.
The committee will create a short-list of the 10 best entries, which will receive prizes at an ceremony to be held at the Geodynamic Institute on May 5. The transport and accommodation costs of the teams will be covered by the two European programmes.