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Fifteen people dead in 494 road accidents in Attica in June

Fifteen people lost their lives and 566 were injured in a total of 494 road accidents which occurred in June, in the region of Attica alone, data by Attica's Traffic Police Directorate showed on Sunday.

The main causes of these accidents were reckless driving, violation of priority and pedestrian traffic rules, while the lack of protective helmets by motorcycle drivers and passengers increased the severity of people's injuries. 
In the same period, traffic police recorded 25,216 violations, of which the main ones were:

-2,031 speed limit violations
-1,984 cases of driver not wearing a helmet 
-1,004 cases of using a mobile phone while driving
-815 cases of driving under the influence of alcohol 
-474 drivers not wearing a seat-belt 
-443 red traffic light violations