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Judiciary-executive row escalates: Statement by the Greek Union of Judges and Prosecutors

The government and justices have been exchanging barbs and trading insults over what both sides claim are attempts by one branch of government to intervene at the expense of the other's autonomy. The row led to the issuance of a Statement by the Greek Union of Judges and Prosecutors, Sunday, 24 July 2017. The full text follows:

For some time now (the government), in a systematic and methodic manner is attempting to achieve the submission and manipulation of the Judiciary so that it functions not as an independent authority, but as an extension of the government itself.

Ministers (of the government) and Members of Parliament (of the SYRIZA-ANEL coalition), on a daily basis, level accusations against Judges and Prosecutors for reaching biased decisions, the goal of which are to supposedly hinder the work of the government.

They are thus attempting to undermine the authority of the Judiciary in order to control it more easily and in order to present themselves as the only defenders of legality and the “genuine representatives of the common interest,” in line with the examples of Turkey and Poland, the governments of which, either via the persecution of judicial officers, or via blunt legislative intervention nullify the independence of the Judiciary.

Insofar developments in Poland, a complaint has already been issued to the President of the country be the Union of European Judges and there is significant international outcry.

The judicial review of legislation, that safeguards individual and social rights from arbitrary state intervention, is now considered and an obstacle to the government’s plans.

In Greece, the Union of Judges and Prosecutors has defended constitutional legality tirelessly and with determination, as it is compelled to do. We have raised institutional concerns and have prevented the plans of unpaid advisors to the Prime Minister and other government officials to increase the age of retirement of judicial officers in violation of explicit constitutional guidelines.

We have furthermore prevented the plans of government officials in a host of issues relating to legislation that was not in line with the Constitution and European Law and we have defended judiciary officers that have been confronted with hostility because they have expressed and continue to express their judicial judgement.

In this attempt to control and subjugate the Judiciary, (they) have used the filthiest mechanisms that the state has at its disposal: the fortunately few remaining cadres of deep state “journalists” under (government) contract.

The principle actors in question hide behind “immunity schemes” and privileges in order to remain in the background, occasionally using the seat of Parliament for their convenient monologues. The same principle actors have nothing to lose, since slander and machinations is their main occupation.

As of yesterday, the First Vice President of the Union (of Judges and Prosecutors) became the target and was unjustifiably slandered, as he undertook a considerable burden in the relentless battle of the Union (of Judges and Prosecutors) in defense of Judicial independence and democracy itself.

To the plotters of such attacks and those supporting them, we say that our Union (of Judges and Prosecutors) will continue to do our duty, which is to guarantee free judicial judgement and constitutional normality, without the fear of such intervention that in fact strengthens our dedication.

Greek society is fully aware of the grave dangers posed by a wretched executive branch that will use any means necessary in order to act uncontrolled, at a time when the trust of citizens to this institution barely reaches 13% (the lowest amongst European countries).