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Gaps in Greece's strategy to combat cancer

The experts of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the European Commission, analyzing the data concerning Greece, identify inequalities in patient access as well as gaps in the national strategy for dealing with cancer.

  • Published in Greece

New Democracy chooses European election candidates

The New Democracy European parliamentary candidates list contains mostly party members and a few former Euro-parliamentarians, but it too carries the occasional celebrity. The list was announced today by the PM, uncharacteristically in show bizz tones at a central Athens hotel.

  • Published in Greece

Ray Kelly: Οι υποψήφιοι Δήμαρχοι δεν ενδιαφέρονται για την τρομοκρατία

Την δυσαρέσκειά του για το γεγονός ότι κανένας υποψήφιος Δήμαρχος δεν έχει ενδιαφερθεί να ενημερωθεί για θέματα κατά της τρομοκρατίας εξέφρασε ο Αστυνομικός Διευθυντής της Νέας Υόρκης, Ρέυ Κέλυ.

  • Published in ΗΠΑ
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