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Kyritsis sets new lows for government rhetoric

SYRIZA MP and former immigration coordinator for the party, Giorgos Kyriitsishas indicated once again the depths of populism and disinformation that his paty will stoop to through a post on his twitter account.

Top tourist destinations in Greece for 2018

German, British and Italian visitors are proving the most reliable source of revenue for the Greek tourism industry, as evidenced by hotel.gr’s reservation data, which was processed by Sete Intelligence of the Association of Greek Tourist Enterprises (SETE).

Panathinaikos football club sold to PAN ASIA FUND

Panathinaikos FC has been sold to PAN ASIA Fund, after current owner Giannis Alafouzos and Pairoj Piempongsant, the Thai businessman heading PAN ASIA Fund, reached an initial agreement following their meeting in Athens, Saturday.

Folli Follie attacked by shareholding fund

Investors were shocked last Friday by news that a fund, that has invested in Greek jewelry chain Folli Follie, is questioning the financial data of the Greek company as it considers them to be fabricated.