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Juncker favours FYROM over Greece on EU borders issue

In a letter sent Monday, Juncker backed Slovenia's proposal for EU support to reinforce the FYROM border with Greece to stem the northward flow of migrants. Under this plan, most migrants who got to Greece would stay in place, taking pressure off transfer countries but eventually also from Austria and Germany.

Emmanuel Caravanos, former president of the Hellenic American Chamber of Commerce, Passes Away

The Hellenic American Chamber of Commerce acknowledges with sadness the passing of its esteemed and beloved former president, Mr. Emmanuel J. Caravanos at age 92. Mr. Caravanos served as president of the Chamber in the mid 1990's, and was a bridge between the 'old guard' and the up-and-coming younger members of the Chamber at that time. His passing marks the end of an era for the Chamber, which was founded after World War II by shipping executives to retain a commercial bond with their homeland.