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Golden dawn Spanish franchise?

The Registry of Political Parties of the Ministry of the Interior of Spain has registered Golden Dawn party, which opened offices in the city of Alcoy in the province of Valencia.

As Spanish media noted, the registration was made officially on 27 October.

Amanecer Dorado, is the name of the party, which means "golden dawn" in Spanish, is chaired by Antonio Vicente, who in 2008 was head of the far-right party National Alliance of Alicante.

Vicente had been arrested in 2001 for beating center-right supporters who were putting up posters. By registration in the Register of Political Parties, means that it can participate as a party in elections, whether local or national! Although several members of the Greek Golden Dawn are in prison, this does not appear to hinder conditions for establishing an "annex" political party in Spain, according to newspaper Diario Informacion.

The newspaper reported that the Golden Dawn is the third power after the 2012 elections in Greece, while stressing that several party members, including Nikos Michaloliakos, are in custody for criminal association. The symbol of the party is reminiscent of the Nazi swastika, says the newspaper, and even on the internet there is a record of the Register of the Ministry of Interior. For their part, members of the Greek Golden Dawn, speaking to Spanish media, said that they have nothing to do with the Spanish version ... and declare that the only information they have is from the press. In contrast, the Spanish Golden Dawn refuses to respond openly to the same question.