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Chairman of JCS Cancels Visit to Greece

Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, general Martin Dempsey has postponed his scheduled visit to Greece because of the conditions in Syria and the general turmoil in the SE Mediterranean. General Dempsey, was scheduled to visit Greece on 15 September, after an invitation extended by his Greek counterpart, general Kostarakos.
The Chairman JCS was to be in Greece, between 15-17 September for crucial talks on the realization of measures agreed upon during the recent visits, to the US, of defense minister Avramopoulos, and later the PM, Antonis Samaras.
According to our sources at the ministry of defense, the visit has been postponed and will be rescheduled, for an unspecified time, as general Dempsey's schedule has been totally overturned by events.

Assad denies gas attack

In an interview with CBS's News, Charlie Rose, Mr.Assad stated that his government was not behind a chemical attack that killed and injured hundreds of civilians, and stated that Syria might retaliate if attacked.

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