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MH 370 Relatives Plan Suit Against Boeing & Malaysia Airlines

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The American National Transportation Safety Board's 45-day rule has passed and now U.S. lawyers can contact families, as Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has been missing for 46 days.

After the 45-day mark, relatives can now file suit in the American judicial system, against the American made Boeing Company.

However, the current challenge is that no actual plane or debris has been found. Families of the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 hope legal actions can reveal information, that has not been relayed to them by Malaysian officials and search heads.

MH 370 passenger Philip Woods' partner, Sarah Bajc stated to CNN: "We don't feel we have a whole lot of other choices because we're certainly not getting any answers without (legal action)". The general frustration felt by relatives is that Malaysian search directors offer opinions, but no facts at each briefing they hold.

Today's search effort determined nothing, as it has for 46 days. The underwater drone, who began its 10th mission examining the ocean's bottom, has found no evidence of the jetliner. It has scanned approximately two-thirds of the quest region.

American Aviation Attorney Daniel Rose explained, "If we don't have the 'black box' with all the critical information on it, or we don't have any part of the wreckage, it would be very hard to maintain a claim against Boeing in any court in the United States".

Yet, under international mandates, relatives can conduct lawsuits in the country where travelers purchased their tickets, the airline's origination, or their final landing point. Families of the victims have a relatively easier case against Malaysia Airlines than Boeing Company.