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MH 370 Pinger Detection Enthusiasm Fades

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Hopes are quickly fading out over discovered signals, that were thought to be Malaysia Airlines Flight 370's black box.

This week's search so far does not have any concrete evidence, as to the whereabouts of the missing jetliner. Airline searchers are still examining the waters, but as Navy Commander William Marks explains, their enthusiasm is: "...more cautious...As hours pass...our optimism is fading away, ever so slightly".

Saturday's possible signal detections have not been heard since. If the pings are detected again, searchers could administer an underwater tool that can capture images, to determine if the black box is below. This method can take over a week. U.S. Department of Transportation's former inspector general Mary Schiavo commented, "If they had been able to pick up more pings, they could really have reduced that size and then given the submersibles just a small area to search".

Today is the 32nd day that MH 370 remains missing, marking a two-day expected expiration date on the locator beacon's working batteries. Listening efforts are still in full force however, as the batteries may still be activated. National Transportation Safety Board's former managing director Peter Goelz described the situation, "That the Ocean Shield has not reacquired the ping is a genuine setback...We're talking now an investigation that could go on months, if not years".