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Delphi Forum: The circular economy to be integrated into the DNA of business

Regarding the goal set by the government within the next two years to eliminate the disgraceful fines for illegal landfills, the secretary general for Energy, Manolis Grafakos spoke, among other things, in the context of the 7th Delphi Forum that is taking place April 6-9. He characteristically stated: "We want to leave behind the management of yesterday. The national waste management plan has been drafted and is in force. We were champions in illegal landfills. We have reduced the fines by 40%. The government wants to enable citizens who want to separate waste. And it motivates them. I want to be fair. The drop in fines began with the previous government eight years ago. We want to believe that we will close the illegal landfills."

  • Published in Greece

Greek industrialists call on government to adopt circular economy practices

The Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV) called on the government to adopt a plan for the transition to a circular economy, as proposed by the European Commission, saying that an exit from strict economic supervision should not lead to complacency and a return to the problematic economic model of the past. 

  • Published in Greece
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