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Smoking Ban Is Back

Just a few weeks before the holiday season, the relative departments of the Health Ministry, will be running checks on restaurants, nightclubs and cafeterias. The long forgotten EU directive for banning smoking, that is in effect since 2011, has been re-introduced.

Tsipras Augurs Electoral Victories for SYRIZA

If main opposition SYRIZA wins the europarliament elections, then the government will no longer have a mandate to run the country and national elections will follow, was the gist of an interview main opposition leader Alexis Tsipras gave to the Financial Times, Reuters, and the BBC.

PM Meets Retailers, Sees Resurgence in 2014

Prime Minister Antonis Samaras expressed the view that 2013 will be the last difficult year for Greek commerce, while receiving the annual report of Greek commerce for 2013 from a delegation of the National Confederation of Hellenic Commerce (ESEE), headed by its president Vasilis Korkidis late on Monday.

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