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Street to be renamed in memory of musician murdered by Golden Dawn

The official renaming of Panagis Tsaldaris street in Keratsini to Pavlos Fyssas street, in honour of the anti-fascist singer, who was murdered on September 18, 2013, will be held on Monday, November 16, at 12:30, at a special event, at the municipality of Keratsini - Drapetsona.

  • Published in Greece

Wolves reappear on Mount Parnitha

The reappearence of wolves, after 50 years, at the national park of mount Parnitha was recorded by the environmental organisation Kallisto.

  • Published in Greece

Negotiations on prior actions at final stage

Negotiations with the creditors over the first package of prior actions that will give the green light for the 2 billion euro disbursement tranche and the 10 billion euros for the recapitalization of the banks are at the final stage.

  • Published in Greece
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