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Tourist complaints in Greece

Swedes are the tourists that complain most after a visit to the Greece, and most of them are unhappy because of restaurants and hotels.

Negotiation cliffhanger in Brussels

The negotiating thriller in Brussels is reaching its peak today, with Alexis Tsipras attempting to "seal" a deal and being confronted with both the reactions of lenders as well as those of the party base and the Parliamentary Group of SYRIZA.

Greek tourism under attack by CNN

CNN has published a provocative article titled: “Is it time to cancel your Greek vacation?”. The article is published amid critical negotiations for the future of Greece in the euro, in Brussels. CNN warns, implicitly, tourists to be careful if they choose to visit Greece for their summer vacation.

Συνεχίζει στο Χιούστον ο Παπανικολάου

Κάτοικος Χιούστον και παίκτης των Ρόκετς παραμένει ο Κώστας Παπανικολάου, καθώς του ανανέωσαν το συμβόλαιο του διεθνή φόργουορντ για ακόμα ένα χρόνο κάνοντας χρήση της σχετικής ρήτρας που υπήρχε στο συμβόλαιό του.