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Negotiation cliffhanger in Brussels

The negotiating thriller in Brussels is reaching its peak today, with Alexis Tsipras attempting to "seal" a deal and being confronted with both the reactions of lenders as well as those of the party base and the Parliamentary Group of SYRIZA.


12.50 Tsipras, Lagarde, Juncker and Draghi meeting completed, after agreement on a draft that journalists describe as "feasible project" which could pass as an agreement and will be presented to the Eurogroup

12:47 Fabrizio Goran, editor of Corriere della Sera cites MNI sources according to which there is no “Take it or leave it” plan for Greece at the table

12:45 French sources say there will be a slight delay in the start of the Eurogroup. It will start at 14:30 GMT instead of 14:00

12.36 Economist and market and ECB analyst Frederik Ducrozet reported that the ECB tomorrow is expected to renew the ELA. But if negotiations fail, there will be no basis for expansion.

12:35 Negotiations are continuing despite the fact that the deadline passed. Currently the latest "touches" are being applied to form a "feasibility plan", which will be used as a basis for the Eurogroup.

12:27 Although the deadline expired at 12:00, officials of the European Union confirm that discussions are continuing with the exchange of documents