Turkey withdraws forces from NATO Exercise following standoff with Greece
Turkey has withdrawn some of its forces from the NATO "Steadfast Dart 2025" exercise following a standoff with Greece over airspace and search-and-rescue jurisdiction in the Aegean.
- Published in Greece
Greece offers €10,000 incentive to revitalize Evros region
The Greek government has launched a demographic development program to boost population growth and economic activity in the Evros region by offering financial incentives for permanent relocation.
- Published in Greece
Shipping sector's economic impact on Greece's economy reaches 14 billion dollars
A report by McKinsey & Company, conducted in cooperation with the Hellenic Shipowners' Association, highlights the central role of Greek-owned shipping in the global and domestic economy. The study highlights the industry's catalytic contribution to international trade while analysing the challenges and opportunities shaping its future. The industry's economic footprint in the domestic economy amounts to 14 billion dollars.
- Published in Economy