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The archeology of Athens

A unique record of the history of Athens, with all its remarkable buildings and its monuments, historical and architectural data is accessible to all with just a click at www.eie.gr/arxaiologia.gr.


The National Foundation of Research having as main goal to provide the historic continuity of Athens had organised in 1994 a series of twelve tutorials with main issue the Archaeology of Athens.

The twelve scholars presented the most crucial and important issues of the history of Athenian urban and suburban space from pre historic times to modern ones.

The audience responce and attendance of those tutorials was amazing and hence the reports were published in a corpus under the auspices of the municipality of Athens. But this book was out of print very soon and therefore instead of republishing the Foundation decided to make a digital edition of the conference along with important additions to the texts and references from historical sources and pictures.

The most important texts are also translated in English. The conference of Archaeology of Athens and the edition were made possible under the auspices of the programme “Society of Information”.