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Economy Min Stathakis sees first program review by end March

Economy Minister George Stathakis in statements to Mega TV on Thursday expressed optimism over the conclusion of the first program review by end March.

Stathakis said that the first round of negotiations has closed, while four main issues are on the table; the pension system, the public finances until 2018, the privatisations fund and bad loans.
He said that the conditions for the negotiations have matured adding that the representatives of the institutions will return in two weeks. As he said, an agreement may have been reached by the Catholic Easter as there is convergence on the main issues. He acknowledged there are still some differences, but underlined that the other side has accepted the basis of the discussion on the four topics.
On the social security reforms, the Economy Minister said that the government has room for dialogue and improvements provided that the main idea remains the same. The creditors' request on pension reforms is to ensure the sustainability of the social security system and its cost to be reflected on public finances.