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Opposition accuses Tsipras of lacking crisis exit plan and attempts to gag media

Opposition parties criticized Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras after his speech at SYRIZA’s central committee on Sunday morning, saying he has no plan to help Greece exit the crisis and is trying to muzzle the media. 

“Mr. Tsipras proved once more that he has no plan to take the country out of the crisis … All he cares about is maintaining power and controlling the media through the unconstitutional ‘Pappas law’ and the canceled tender he held,” New Democracy said. 
The Communist Party criticized both the government and ND for quarrelling about intertwined interests, just when the government is starting talks with the institutions to “inflict a new blow” on labour and union rights. 
PASOK described Tsipras as “isolated from the Greek citizens” who tried to convince his party. “But reality disproves him and reveals who he is: Mr. Tsipras tried to control the media with all sorts of methods and not to regulate the media landscape,” the party said.  
DIMAR accused Tsipras of attempting to polarize Greeks. “The most dangerous part of his speech was the divisive talk; he divided Greeks into ‘us’ and ‘them’, stating ‘we have entered a phase of war’. But the country doesn’t need divisiveness and artificial polarization, but national consensus,” DIMAR said.