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Greek Masonic Lodge under investigation for missing funds

An expert economist auditor has appointed the investigating authorities to investigate the size of the hole in the finances and those involved in the hierarchy of Masons in Greece.

For a long time there has been an investigation of the Grand Lodge of Greece and other masonic institutions for the misappropriation of more than 120,000 euros.

Thus, the expert economist is called within 30 days to investigate all the financial data of:

- the Grand Lodge of Greece since 2008,

the Masonic Brotherhood from 2008 to today, and

- the Masonic Foundation from 2006 to today.

After his audit, he must deliver a report.

Moreover, the expert will carry out a financial audit from 2005 to the present day in the "Grand Camp of the Knights of Greece and Cyprus" (Knights Templar), from which approximately two million euros were disbursed and transferred to the Grand Lodge of Greece.