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Storm Xenophon causes problems around Greece

Storm front "Xenophon", which began on Monday evening, continues to sweep the whole country, with low temperatures for the season, storm winds and even snow!

Coastal shipping problems continue, ships continue to be tied up in ports, and schools in many areas will remain closed so there is no danger to students.

Hundreds of calls to the Fire Brigade

Since yesterday morning, the Fire Department has received more than 350 calls in the Attica region for trees falling or removal of various objects due to the strong winds in the Attica basin.

Ships tied up.

Serious problems have arisen in coastal shipping due to the very strong winds blowing in the seas and reaching 9 to 10 beauforts in places.

It is prohibition for departures from Piraeus, Rafina and Lavrio ports, while there are no routes to the Argosaronic Gulf.

In Ioannina the lake was swept by winds uphill, drowning public places and squares. In Halkida, trees were uprooted, and benches were torn from pavements.

Patras also experienced uprooted trees, and water flooding the area artound the port.

In Athens, trees fell in front of the Hilton Hotel, in the train station at Kifissia, and elsewhere.