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Greeks spend 64% less on holidays

Featured Greeks spend 64% less on holidays

Even though domestic tourism has increased in terms of air traffic, spending by Greek tourists fell by 63.9%.

Based on the data of the Greek Statistical Authority (ELSTAT), at the beginning of the crisis, in 2008, total expenditure was just below EUR 3.9 billion and now stands at around EUR 1.4 billion.

According to a survey from ELSTAT’s “Holiday Survey” for 2017, domestic travel expenses for trips of at least one night were € 1,398 million when for 2016 it stood at 1,287 million, ie it increased by 8,7% compared to 2016. It is worth noting that in 2008 the corresponding expenditure was € 3,868 million.

“That is, at the time of the economic crisis, spending on domestic tourism declined by -63.9%,” Insete said.