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Mid-Term Fiscal Strategy Scheme passes, but barely.

The Greek government's Mid-Term Fiscal Strategy Scheme 2015-2018 was passed in Parliament's plenum on Friday, with 150 votes for and 119 against.


A total of 269 deputies voted, while the majority of MPs voting in support of the programme came mostly from New Democracy and PASOK, as well as Independent deputies Andreas Loverdos and Christos Aidonis.

It was the last session of Parliament's plenum before elections - for local government representatives, on May 18 (with a second round on May 25), and for European Parliament deputies, on May 25.

Earlier, during the parliament debate, spirits were high, with majority and opposition MPs trading political blows around the bill. Finance minister Yiannis Stournaras and SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras exchanged words, rather than arguments.

Tsipras said that New Greece will be built by SYRIZA and not "the representatives of the old and the aged". Minister Stournaras' reply was quite angry, accusing SYRIZA of being divisive, threatening its opponents "with special court and hangings".