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Athens to celebrate New Year with silent fireworks for the sake of animals

Τηε municipality of Athens in Syntagma, will celebrate the New Year with silent fireworks for the welfare of animals. 

This year’s New Year’s Eve event will also feature a musical-theatrical multi-play, “The Roof of Time”, signed by Phoebus Delivoria. The artist, together with Natassa Bofiliou, Martha Frindzila and Thanasis Aleyras, will present a performance that through songs, dances and humorous moments will take us on a journey through the history of Athens, from 1945 to 2025.

Haris Doukas, from the stage of Syntagma Square, together with the artists, will count down to the change of time. For the first time, the capital will welcome the New Year with silent fireworks, while the night sky will be lit up by hundreds of drones flying over the city center.

The event will be opened musically by the Philharmonic Orchestra of the municipality of Athens. Immediately after the performance, the Laternativ will take the baton for the first big party of the year. Stavros Dioskouridis and Panagiotis Menegos with a DJ set will keep the rhythm alive during the first hours of the New Year.

The 2025 welcome event is accessible to everyone, with parallel interpretation in Greek Sign Language by interpreter Sofia Roboli and will be livestreamed from the official Facebook page of the Municipality of Athens (@cityofathensofficial) and its official YouTube channel.

The “Roof of Time”
Music, theater, comedy, dance, screenings and special guests in special roles! Phoebus Delivorias has written a spectacular musical “time machine”, dedicated to Athens, especially for the evening of the 2025 reception, directed by Angelos Triantafillos.

In an impressive vehicle – set by Angelos Mentis and with changing costumes by Alexandra Ftouli, Phoebus, as “pilot” – presenter – singer, travels from era to era of Athens (from the Liberation to the “golden” 60s, the seven years, the Post-Capitalist era, the Change, and the years of the “bubble” and the crisis), searching for 2025, through favourite Greek songs of each period.

In his journey, which starts from 1945, he meets “light” and “modern” singers embodied by Natassa Bofiliou, “popular divas” brought to life by Martha Frindzila, but also characteristic personalities of each era, into which Thanasis Aleyras transforms himself.

Against the background of images from Greek films, current affairs and documentaries that present Athens in every era, “The Roof of Time” also features a 10-piece orchestra consisting of leading Greek soloists under the direction and arrangements of Thimios Papadopoulos, dancers under the direction of Evi Soulis and young singers.

  • Published in Greece
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