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Veteran footballer Mimis Domazos intubated after two-hour cardiac arrest and Covid

Featured Veteran footballer Mimis Domazos intubated after two-hour cardiac arrest and Covid

Intubated in the Cardiology Intensive Care Unit of the Red Cross Hospital, the renowned former Panathinaikos footballer, Mimis Domazos, is fighting what could be the greatest battle of his life. The next few hours, up until tomorrow morning, will determine the steps doctors will take and, of course, the outcome of his health.

“The General,” as he was affectionately nicknamed both on and off the pitch, has been hospitalized in critical condition since yesterday afternoon in the unit after suffering a cardiac arrest while outside a private diagnostic health facility (Iatropolis) in Chalandri.

The response from the EKAV (National Emergency Center) was immediate. Paramedics transported him without delay, as the management of such incidents dictates, to the nearest on-duty hospital, the Korgialenio-Benakeio, widely known as the Red Cross. Although he arrived at the Emergency Resuscitation Department of the Red Cross without a pulse or cardiac activity, the 83-year-old footballer was revived after undergoing cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

It was a small initial victory in Mimis Domazos’ tough battle, one might say, recounting the dramatic moments that unfolded following his cardiac arrest, which lasted about two hours until he was admitted to the Cardiology Intensive Care Unit for treatment.

His collapse outside the private facility, where he had gone for a scheduled CT scan of his chest, also holds its own significance. Despite it being his birthday—Mimis Domazos turned 83 yesterday—he had rushed to the appointment due to a Covid infection and the shortness of breath it had caused him.

According to remarks made on a television program by oncologist-radiotherapist Dr. Panagiotis Pantelakos, who performed the examination, the patient stated that he was feeling fine. However, the doctor recommended immediate transfer to a hospital. “Signs of pulmonary edema, heart failure, and post-Covid inflammatory changes” were among the doctor’s observations.

A Critical Health Emergency

The events that followed unfortunately confirmed the urgency of the medical situation. Mimis Domazos collapsed just after completing his visit, while still outside the private diagnostic facility.

His health remains critical, despite the cardiac arrest being successfully managed. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation was effective, and the patient was revived.

Depending on the stability of his condition, doctors may attempt to extubate him tomorrow or the day after. However, it remains unclear what state his brain function will be in or whether there will be any neurological deficits due to hypoxia (lack of oxygen) during the cardiac arrest.