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Who's the new head of Greek industrialists?

The Association of Greek Industries SEV has named Theodoros Fessas as its new head, placing erstwhile president Dimitris Daskalopoulos as its representative at BUSSINESSEUROPE, and bestowing on him the title of president emeritus.

The Finns want to make Greece The Issue

In Finland the European elections will be about Greece, at least if Timo Soini, chair of the radical right-wing populist party The Finns, previously known as the True Finns, gets his way.

Unemployment still rising

Eurostat released its unemployment update, according to which unemployment in Greece in November was at 28%, up by 0.3% from the month before. That raises the actual number of unemployed citizens to 1.382 million.

Woman of the year goes to "The River"

As everyone is waiting for the announcement of candidates' names for Stavros Theodorakis new political party “To Potami,” (The River) in light of EU elections in May, one name is being floated as part of the party's inner core: Eleni Antoniadou