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"50 greatest living geniuses" list includes Greek physician

Thebestschools.org's list is a way of representing genius in all of its forms, it writes. Any good list, be it The 50 Greatest Living Geniuses or Top 50 Hairstyle Trends in 2014, is really designed to provoke debate, incite discussion, generate collegial disagreement, and ultimately promote reflection.

"Conspiracy of fire" terrorists planned to kill Xiros

The jailed members of the terror group “Conspiracy of Nuclei of Fire” were planning the assassination of 17N convicted terrorist Christodoulos Xiros soon after their escape from Korydallos Prison, according to Greek Police Chief Lieut. Gen. Dimitris Tsaknakis.

ECB to buy Greek bonds from July‏

ANA - MPA -- The Central Bank (ECB) could begin buying Greek state bonds from July, after Greece repays maturing currently held by ECB, Mario Draghi told reporters on Thursday.