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USAF F-15s & HAF F-16s on Crete

Twelve US Air Force F-15 Strike Eagles belonging to 494 Squadron, 48th Fighter Wing based at RAF Lakenheath in the UK have been training on Crete, along with Greek pilots.

Greece gets record Serb tourist surge

More than 700,000 Serb tourists, about 70% of all Serbs traveling abroad chose Greece as a destination, in 2013, according to Macedonia-Thrace minister Theodoros Karaoglou.

EU - Turkey readmission treaty ratified

The European parliament has approved the agreement signed between Turkey and the EU for the return of Turkish or third country citizens entering the EU illegally to Turkey.

Greek American painter at Abu Dhabi

The works of Greek American artist Christine Olga Smith, are being exhibited at the Greek Embassy at Abu Dhabi, giving Arab visitors another view of Greek landscapes.