European Commission Supports Greece
European Commission Vice President Joaquin Almunia offered positive statements, regarding Greece's current economic predicament.
The Vice President claimed that Greece is headed in the right direction and will finally exit the financial crisis.
At today's Athenian Competition Conference, Almunia wished the nation the best, "I remember the beginning of the debt crisis. Since then, Greece has implemented ambitious reforms with the sacrifices of the Greek people. The course has not yet finished. The road is long and not an easy one. This is not a speed race but an endurance race".
The EC official applauded work well done by the Greek Competition Commission. Almunia predicted that future European growth will flow through energy, technology, digital services and telecommunication sectors.
At the Conference, Greek Finance Minister Yiannis Stournaras remarked,"From very high deficits we achieved surpluses. Now we must focus on creating a new model of growth, focusing on technology and export as the average income has fallen by 30 pct since the beginning of the crisis...through competitiveness we must achieve more in reducing domestic prices". The Finance Minister confirmed that Greece is nearing the end of its economic dilemma.
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