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SYRIZA: Government Is Merkel's Obedient Pupil

The government is trapped in a policy of austerity and destruction dictated by the memorandum, SYRIZA said on Monday, adding that whatever leaks to the press about "so-called negotiations" with the troika of lenders cannot reverse the subordination of Greece to its lenders and the memorandum's commitments.

  • Published in Greece

Tsipras in Texas

SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras is in Austin, Texas on Monday November 4, to participate as a guest speaker in a two-day conference being held by the LBJ School of Public Affairs of The University of Texas at Austin, on the subject of "Can the Eurozone be saved".

  • Published in Greece

Glezos Says SYRIZA Program Not Convincing

Historic left icon, and SYRIZA deputy, Manolis Glezos continues to differentiate himself from the party's main line, this time by doubting the program presented by SYRIZA leadership.

  • Published in Greece
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