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Getty Museum Announces New Senior Curators

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The J. Paul Getty Museum has selected two new senior curators, as confirmed by its Director Timothy Potts.

The new Senior Curator of Antiquities is Dr. Jeffrey B. Spier from the Department of Classics at the University of Arizona, while Italy's Galleria Estense Director Dr. Davide Gasparotto has been chosen as the new Senior Curator of Paintings.

Potts commented, "I am thrilled to announce Dr. Gasparotto's appointment as the Museum's Senior Curator of Paintings...He is a leading figure in the field of Renaissance through eighteenth-century Italian painting and sculpture, while also having an exceptionally broad knowledge of European art in other periods and media", according to ARTFIX daily. Dr. Gasparotto will join the Getty team later this year at the Getty Center.

Potts added, "It is an equal pleasure to welcome Jeffrey Spier to the Getty Villa, where he will play a critical role in our ambitious plans for its future...As the Museum's new Senior Curator of Antiquities, Dr. Spier brings a wealth of experience as a scholar, curator and connoisseur of classical art that positions him ideally to oversee both the planned expansion of the Villa scholars program to incorporate the classical world's interaction with other ancient cultures and the reinstallation of the collection of Greek and Roman art along historical lines". Dr. Spier will begin his post next month at the Getty Villa.