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PPC: Phasing out of lignite units to reduce annual cost by 400 mln euros

The cost of electricity will be reduced by 400 million euros a year with the phasing out of the majority of the Public Power Corporation (PPC) lignite units by 2023 as provided by the five-year business plan. During this period, carbon dioxide emissions from PPC power plants are projected to drop by 15 million tonnes or 75 pct, from 20 million tonnes in 2019 to 5 million tonnes in 2023.

  • Published in Greece

Energy bill passed, national energy and climate policy plan approved, PPC strikes called off

The government’s energy bill was passed in parliament on Thursday by a majority vote (153 favored - 131 rejected), paving the way for the liberalization of the energy market in Greece, the modernization of the country’s Public Power Corporation (PPC), the privatization of the Public Gas Corporation of Greece SA (DEPA) and the introduction of Renewable Energy Sources into national energy policy and production. 

  • Published in Greece
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