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Seismic tomography showed Amphipolis tomb in 1999

What we would have been able to learn about Amphipolis as early as 1999, if there had been funds to support research, are now about to be revealed.

This picture shows Kasta Hill, where the Ancient Amphipolis tomb was recently found.

The hill was 'mapped' between 1998-1999, by three geophysicists, Lazarus Polymenakos, Stavros Papamarinopolos and Athanasios Liossi, with the aid of archaeologist Haido Koukouli-Chrysanthaki.

According to their study published in 2004 in a special British Archaeology magazine, this specific hill recorded extremely important elements.

With the method of three-dimensional seismic tomography, they saw that the perimeter of the grave hides except the actual burial monument- a series of stone structures along its width.

In the first picture, the symbol "H" points "high speed" - symbolizing large stone structures, while in the second picture, the big gap appears to determine the existence of the tomb.

Archaeologist Haido Koukouli-Chrysanthaki considers this information very important, which however had never been confirmed.
However, what we would have been able to learn about Amphipolis as 1999 if there had been funds to support research, are now about to be revealed...