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Tourist arrivals post a 5 pct increase

The tourism flow to Greece posts a 5 percent increase so far, stated Alternate Tourism Minister Elena Kountoura to "Praktoreio 104.9 FM" on Friday underlining that taking under consideration the prevailing conditions in Greece, it is a big increase.

"The tourist period has been extended from early April to late November and we have opened new destination with direct flights from traditional markets as Britain and Germany as well as from new markets. We opened the markets of South Korea, China and the Middle East and we can see the results because the islands are full of tourists from these markets" noted Kountoura.
She referred to the last-minute reservations, a campaign that bears fruit and aims to promote the Aegean islands that have received the migrant and refugee flows "Kos has fully recovered while Samos is at a good point" she said.
Finally, she spoke of the alternative tourism as the medical, the spa and the bike tourism "Our vision is to have tourism throughout the year".