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Farmers ready to take to the streets – Mobilizations all over Greece

Featured Farmers ready to take to the streets – Mobilizations all over Greece

With key demands to boost their income, reduce production costs and change the compensation regulation, farmers from all over Greece are preparing dynamic mobilizations.

Specifically, some of the mobilizations of farmers in Northern Greece have already been planned, while the decisions of the coordination committees of Southern Greece will be announced soon.

As it is emphasized, the farmers, having finished production, are preparing to take to the streets. The blockades will start from Palamas in Thessaly.

It is noted that a few days ago, a mobilization was also held by the farmers of Crete.

Farmers also start blockades in Messinia
The farmers of Messinia are also preparing for a series of mobilizations, which are expected to peak in the first ten days of February.

The beginning of the first half of the month will be marked by the beginning of the first half of the month.

The escalation of the mobilizations was unanimously decided at yesterday's meeting held by the Federation of Farmers' Associations of Messinia. There, it was unanimously decided to proceed with the procedures, with a large participation of farmers and livestock farmers.