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Tomorrow Brings Photojournalists & Golden Dawn Case

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Tomorrow brings the case concerning two photojournalists who were harmed during the ongoing Golden Dawn trial on Friday, as reported by Kathimerini.

The Greek Union of Photojournalists Marios Lolos is predicted to offer statements regarding Yiannis Kemos and Simela Pantzartzi, who reportedly were violently assaulted by Golden Dawn advocates outside the courthouse.

Lolos was called to court by the magistrates that are examining the right-winged political party. The Union leader has blamed police forces for not halting the attacks, while The Foreign Press Association has requested that the Greek government bring justice to the act.

In a statement, the Association declared, "The FPA invites the Public Order Ministry to take whatever measures are necessary to protect the constitutional right of the freedom of the press, shield media workers from such violent attacks and identify the perpetrators".

(Source: http://www.ekathimerini.com/4dcgi/_w_articles_wsite1_1_05/07/2014_541145)