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Kantas names names

The 4-day deposition of jailed former director for procurements Antonis Kantas on arms procurement kickbacks is precipitating a cascade of witnesses willing to testify.

  • Published in Greece

Political troubles to the New Year

While Europe is trying to fathom the changes that a third term for Ms Merkel will bring and how it will affect the future of the block, Greece is mired in its own political problems and the gazes of its political personnel are fixed on its proverbial navel, while political legitimacy is in tatters.

  • Published in Greece

Arrests follow Kantas deposition

A retired lawyer with an office in Kolonaki fingered as a “middleman” of a German company by incarcerated former deputy head of procurements at the ministry of Defense Antonis Kantas, seems to be the first person in a series of slated arrest in connection with defense related corruption.

  • Published in Greece
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