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Mitsotakis to CNN: The European Union needs 'both a big fence and a big door'

International conflicts, migration, the repercussions of climate change and the Parthenon Marbles were among the topics covered during Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis' interview on CNN with journalist Christiane Amanpour. The interview was given in New York, where Mitsotakis was attending the 79th UN General Assembly and released on Tuesday.

  • Published in Greece

Mitsotakis – Erdogan meeting: Open communication on migration

The smiles at the start of the Mitsotakis-Erdoğan meeting may have been a little…icy, but the mood during the conference was good. While the time may have been limited, it was enough to launch some immediate pending issues, such as the identification of the next Greek-Turkish Council, but also the reminder of the need to upgrade cooperation on immigration.

  • Published in Greece
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